West Virginians and Kentuckians Can Apply for FEMA Assistance


Individuals affected by severe storms, straight-line winds, flooding, landslides and mudslides in the designated areas of Kentucky and West Virginia can apply for federal disaster assistance.


If you have homeowners, renters or flood insurance, you should file a claim as soon as possible. FEMA cannot pay for losses covered by insurance. If your policy does not cover all your disaster expenses, you may be eligible for federal assistance.


The first step to receiving FEMA assistance is to apply. There are four ways to apply: 

  • Go online at DisasterAssistance.gov.
  • Use the FEMA App.
  • Call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362. If you use a relay service, such as Video Relay Services (VRS), captioned telephone, or other services, give FEMA your number for that service. 
  • Visit a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC). To find a Disaster Recovery Center, go online at fema.gov/drc or text DRC and your zip code to 43362.

For an accessible video on how to apply for FEMA assistance, visit Three Ways to Register for FEMA Disaster Assistance.


Local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations in the designated counties are eligible for assistance for emergency work and the repair or replacement of disaster-damaged facilities. Learn more about FEMA's Public Assistance program by visiting FEMA.gov.


Kentuckians can apply for assistance until April 25. For more information, visit DR-4860-KY.


West Virginians can apply for assistance until April 28. For more information, visit DR-48​61-WV.​

Contact Information

Excerpt from FEMA's Bulletin (week of March 25, 2025) --- fema-bulletin@fema.dhs.gov