Resolve to be Ready in 2019!


​Disasters and emergencies can happen anytime and often we don't have time to get prepared. So this year, resolve to make you and your family better prepared for emergencies. You can start by taking small steps each week or month, like adding supplies to your emergency kit, or filling out a Family Emergency Plan. 

Overwhelmed and don't know where to start? Here are a couple of tools that can help: 

  • Do-1-Thing - Sign up for this web-based 12-month preparedness program that focuses on a different area of emergency preparedness that you can do each month. They will send you a monthly reminder of low to no-cost steps (options) to become better prepared. Check out their 2019 Monthly Topics.
  • ReadyWV Personal Prep Starter Kit - has some simple tools and checklists to help you get started.

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