Pet Prep Tips!


Prep Your Pets!

All dogs are good dogs, but even the best-trained pups can’t pack their own emergency kit! When making an emergency plan for the whole family, don’t forget to include your pets. Follow the tips below to get started:
  • Make sure your pet’s ID tag is up to date.Image of woman with dog. Says, "Keep a selfie of you and your pet in your emergency kit to prove ownership."
  • Don't forget your pet’s needs in your emergency kit. Include items such as:
    • Pet food
    • Additional bottled water
    • Copies of important documents, like adoption papers and veterinary records.
    • Extra medication
    • Leashes or harnesses
    • Pet crate or carrier
    • Towels or bedding supplies
    • Veterinary contact information
    • Your pet’s comfort items or toys
  • Identify pet-friendly hotels or shelters in case you evacuate. For public health reasons, many emergency shelters cannot accept pets. Most pet-friendly shelters will need your pet’s medical records to make sure all vaccinations are current, so keep extra copies in your kit.
  • If you have large animals like horses, cattle, sheep, goats, or pigs, make sure they all have a form of identification. Ensure vehicles and trailers are available for use for an evacuation. Research destinations ahead of time to ensure they have food, water, veterinary care, and proper equipment to handle large animals.
  • Take a selfie with your pet! This can help prove ownership if you are separated.

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