8 STEP Process for Taking Inventory of your Personal/Business Property


Prepare for emergencies/disasters by documenting personal property and/or business assets. If your items are documented, there is no time wasted and will help get you back to normal faster. Keep in mind that every item in your home/business has worth, so take pictures and record everything.


The Inventory Process in 8.5 Easy Steps


1. What you need:


•          Pen

•          Paper

•          Notebook

•          Digital Camera

•          Video Recorder (optional)

•          Blank DVD/USB Thumbdrive

•          Computer

•          Tape Measurer

•          A helper (optional)


2. On your paper list every room in your home or business on separate sheets of paper. Examples: kitchen, living room, office, master bedroom, etc.


3. Begin in the kitchen and take pictures of every item. Start with large appliances first and move down to the silverware taking snapshots and recording serial and model numbers as you go. It’s easier if you have help. Open cabinet doors and take a picture of the entire cabinet. Do the same with the drawers. Note: List all items inside and record serial/model numbers if available.


4. Record cost/value of each item. If you have receipts for bigger items, make a copy or scan if possible. Put that information in the notebook and digital file.


5. Move on to other rooms following the same process, keeping in mind to take many pictures. Take a picture(s) of the entire room simply by standing in one corner and snapping a picture then moving to the opposing corner and snap another picture. This shows ownership of items. Optional: Utilize video to show all items in each room.


6. Inventory the attic, basement, garage and outbuildings.


7. Take pictures of the exterior of your home on all sides and landscaping.


8. Make copies or scan all important papers, credit cards, driver’s license, etc. Put these in the notebook and digital file. For a complete list of what to copy or scan go to the following link, www.homesafehomeinventory.com/importantpapers.htm

  • 8.5 Now that you have taken the time to inventory your home, store the information somewhere in a safe place. Make duplicate copies and give one to a trusted friend/family member or place in a safe deposit box at a bank.

There are professionals that do this line of work or you can find an app or online site that will work as well. If you choose one of the apps or online options be sure to have a hard copy back-up, just in case.